#Zhen Yang

Giant magnetoimpedance based immunoassay for cardiac biomarker myoglobin

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

An integrated giant magnetoimpedance biosensor for detection of biomarker

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

Investigation of targeted biomolecules in a micro-fluxgate-based bio-sensing system

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

Enhanced GMI effect in tortuous-shaped Co-based amorphous ribbons coated with graphene

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

A MEMS-fluxgate-based sensing system for the detection of Dynabeads

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

Detection of targeted carcinoembryonic antigens using a micro-fluxgate-based biosensor

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

ZnO-templated N-doped holey graphene for efficient lithium ion storage performance

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

A Study on Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect in VITROVAC 6025Z Micro-patterned Ribbons

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

A low power micro fluxgate sensor with improved magnetic core

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学

Improved micro fluxgate sensor with double-layer Fe-based amorphous core

磁性MEMS器件集成制造及应用 , 广西师范大学