#Xiao Wang
Ambient Ionization and Miniature Mass Spectrometry Systems for Disease Diagnosis and Therapeutic Monitoring
瑕瑜研究组-自由基生物质谱 , 清华大学
Dimeric pyrrole–imidazole alkaloids: synthetic approaches and biosynthetic hypotheses
Yuyong Ma's Lab , 赣南医学院
Asymmetric Synthesis of Axinellamines A and B
Yuyong Ma's Lab , 赣南医学院
Lane changing intention recognition based on speech recognition models
智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学
Density Enhancement-Based Long-Range Pedestrian Detection Using 3-D Range Data
智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学
Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Fully Electric Vehicles Based on Preceding Vehicle Movement
智能网联汽车课题组(THICV) , 清华大学
Asymmetric syntheses, structural refinement, and biosynthetic implications of sceptrin, massadine, and ageliferin
Yuyong Ma's Lab , 赣南医学院
Identification of a Recombinant Inulin Fructotransferase (Difructose Dianhydride III Forming) from Arthrobacter sp. 161MFSha2.1 with High Specific Activity and Remarkable Thermostability
食品科学与技术国家重点实验室 , 江南大学
Probing the Role of Two Critical Residues in Inulin Fructotransferase (DFA III-Producing) Thermostability from Arthrobacter sp. 161MFSha2.1
食品科学与技术国家重点实验室 , 江南大学
Parallel testing of vehicle intelligence via virtual-real interaction
MCNS实验室 , 吉林大学
Cryo-EM structure of human mitochondrial trifunctional protein
肖俊宇课题组(肖俊宇) , 北京大学
Syntheses and Applications of Noble-Metal-free CeO2-Based Mixed-Oxide Nanocatalysts
先进功能多孔材料 , 海南大学
Electrolyte Chemistry Enables Simultaneous Stabilization of Potassium Metal and Alloying Anode for Potassium‐Ion Batteries
battery , 北京航空航天大学
Renewable-lawsone-based sustainable and high-voltage aqueous flow battery
battery , 北京航空航天大学
Defective CFTR promotes intestinal proliferation via inhibition of the hedgehog pathway during cystic fibrosis
肿瘤精准医学与个性化用药研究团队 , 南方科技大学
Identification of the circRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network of Hsp90 inhibitor-induced cell death in colorectal cancer by integrated analysis
肿瘤精准医学与个性化用药研究团队 , 南方科技大学
Ambient Ionization and Miniature Mass Spectrometry Systems for Disease Diagnosis and Therapeutic Monitoring
张文鹏-生物医学质谱 , 清华大学
Paper-capillary spray for direct mass spectrometry analysis of biofluid samples
张文鹏-生物医学质谱 , 清华大学