#Jun Han

Hg occurrence in coal and its removal before coal utilization

洁净煤技术实验室陈刚团队 , 华中科技大学

Hydroxyflavones as a New Family of Matrices for MALDI Tissue Imaging

新型多组学研究综合实验室(王晓东课题组) , 中央民族大学

Comprehensive Imaging of Porcine Adrenal Gland Lipids by MALDI-FTMS Using Quercetin as a Matrix

新型多组学研究综合实验室(王晓东课题组) , 中央民族大学

Matrix coating assisted by an electric field (MCAEF) for enhanced tissue imaging by MALDI-MS

新型多组学研究综合实验室(王晓东课题组) , 中央民族大学