#Jianxin Wang
Effects of thermodynamic conditions on the end gas combustion mode associated with engine knock
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of gasoline research octane number on premixed low-temperature combustion of wide distillation fuel by gasoline/diesel blend
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Relationship between super-knock and pre-ignition
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Analysis of pre-ignition to super-knock: Hotspot-induced deflagration to detonation
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Shock wave reflection induced detonation (SWRID) under high pressure and temperature condition in closed cylinder
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Improvement of emission characteristics and thermal efficiency in diesel engines by fueling gasoline/diesel/PODEn blends
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Frequency domain analysis of knock images
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
The Effect of Oil Intrusion on Super Knock in Gasoline Engine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Knocking Suppression using Stratified Stoichiometric Mixture in a DISI Engine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Mode Switch of SI-HCCI Combustion on a GDI Engine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Experimental Study of Flame Accelerated Ignition on Rapid Compression Machine and Heavy Duty Engine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Investigation into the Effect of Flame Propagation in the Gasoline Compression Ignition by Coupling G-Equation and Reduced Chemical Kinetics Combustion Model
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Experimental Investigation of Improving Homogeneous Charge Induced Ignition (HCII) Combustion at Medium and High Load by Reducing Compression Ratio
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Experimental Investigation of Homogeneous Charge Induced Ignition (HCII) with Low-Pressure Injection to Reduce PM Emissions in a Heavy-Duty Engine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Numerical Study of Gasoline Homogeneous Charge Induced Ignition (HCII) by Diesel with a Multi-Component Chemical Kinetic Mechanism
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Role of Wall Effect on Hot-Spot Induced Deflagration to Detonation in Iso-Octane/Air Mixture Under High Temperature and Pressure
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Fuel octane effects on gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) mode
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
New premixed compression ignition concept for direct injection IC engines fueled with straight-run naphtha
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Performance of straight-run naphtha single- and two-stage combustion modes from low to high load
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Effect of Injection Timing on PPCI and MPCI Mode Fueled With Straight-Run Naphtha
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Temporally and spatially distributed combustion in low-octane gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition mode
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Combustion and emission characteristics of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) fuelled with naphtha and gasoline in wide load range
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Combustion and emission characteristics of direct injection compression ignition engine fueled with Full Distillation Fuel (FDF)
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODE3-4)/ diesel blends
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Exploiting new combustion regime using multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) fueled with gasoline/diesel/PODE (GDP)
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Study on combustion and emission characteristics of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers/diesel blends in light-duty and heavy-duty diesel engines
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
A multi-component wide distillation fuel (covering gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel) mechanism for combustion and PAH prediction
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of buffer gas composition on low temperature ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Numerical simulation of detonation initiation induced by shock wave reflection in a rapid compression machine
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Comparative study on alcohols–gasoline and gasoline–alcohols dual-fuel spark ignition (DFSI) combustion for high load extension and high fuel efficiency
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (PODE)
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of Gasoline Fuel Properties on Engine Performance
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of Fuel Quality on a Euro IV Diesel Engine with SCR After-Treatment
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
A soot formation embedded reduced reaction mechanism for diesel surrogate fuel
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Mode Switch of SI-HCCI Combustion on a GDI Engine
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Effect of Urea Thermal Decomposition on Diesel NOx-SCR Aftertreatment Systems
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Influence of Methanol Gasoline Blend Fuel on Engine and Catalyst Performance
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Extension of the Lower Load Limit in Dieseline Compression Ignition Mode
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Study of oxygenated biomass fuel blends on a diesel engine
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
An Ethanol SCR for NOx Purification: Performance Evaluation on Engine Bench and Demonstration on Bus
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Performance Evaluation and Application of Diesel NOx-SCR Catalyst by Ethanol Reductant
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Investigation of Soot Formation in Laminar Diesel Diffusion Flame by Two-Color Laser Induced Incandescence
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of Different Biodiesels and their Blends with Oxygenated Additives on Emissions from a Diesel Engine
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Optimization of automotive catalytic converter by numerical modeling and simulation with detailed mechanism
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (PODE3-4)/ Diesel Blends
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Fuel octane effects on gasoline multiple premixed compression ignition (MPCI) mode
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Wide Distillation Fuel(WDF)
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Investigation into the Effect of Flame Propagation in the Gasoline Compression Ignition by Coupling G-Equation and Reduced Chemical Kinetics Combustion Model
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
A study on emission performance of a diesel engine fueled with five typical methyl ester biodiesels
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Optimization of gasoline hydrocarbon compositions for reducing exhaust emissions
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Oxygenated blend design and its effects on reducing diesel particulate emissions
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Application and development of biomass fuels for transportation in China
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Effect of the Cetane Number on the Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engines by Chemical Kinetics Modeling
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Catalytic performance of Ag/Al2O3-C2H5OH-Cu/Al2O3 system for the removal of NOx from diesel engine exhaust
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
Effects of buffer gas composition on low temperature ignition of iso-octane and n-heptane
内燃机实验室 , 清华大学
An exploration of utilizing low-pressure diesel injection for natural gas dual-fuel low-temperature combustion
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Visualization of the Mode Shapes of Pressure Oscillation in a Cylindrical Cavity
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) Mode with Low Octane Gasoline Fuels
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
Super-knock suppression for highly turbocharged spark ignition engines using the fuel of propane or methanol
快速压缩机实验室 , 清华大学
A Novel Hand Gesture Recognition Based on High-Level Features
李菁的课题组 , 南昌大学